A good scare apparently does the body good.Īnd when it comes to scares, it's hard to ignore the resurgence of horror in the 1990s. It can even provide mental benefits by relieving stress and anxiety. Sex, drugs and rock and roll interlaced with violence. Horror can also facilitate the means to revel in our baser instincts. The thrilling roller coaster that acts as a vehicle to deliver a societal truth in more recent years Jordan Peel's Get Out has been an excellent example of this. Horror is inherently capable of providing a unique blend of escapism and reflective commentary. Though, even if that wasn't the case, we'd still enjoy being frightened by people wearing masks holding large knives.
With horror being one of the more malleable genres of film-a debatable notion for sure, given the power of this specific form of visual entertainment-it's able to do more than just elicit a base emotional response.